
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre of YOUNUS COLLEGE OF POLYTECHNIC was inaugurated in the year 2022 with a purpose of inspiring students to become independent engineers by exposing them to the world of Entrepreneurship through Innovation. The Centre aims in sharpening the skills of students, broadening their knowledge base and equipping them with technical and non-technical qualities that an engineer need.

Rather than pushing students to startup, the centre believes in inculcating the entrepreneurial spirit in students. The members have identified the true joy of self-learning and they passionately involve in brining life into their ideas, to solve the problems that they see around. They know the importance of spreading this fire to ignite the minds of their fellow students and hence have dedicated all their work in IEDC for this purpose, besides working on their own individual projects.

The Executive Committee

The Executive committee works as a team which identifies the opportunities and challenges around social as well as engineering scenarios. The core working committee of IEDC has 9 student members and 1 faculty member. The faculty member in charge is designated as the Nodal Officer of IEDC.

Sr.No Name Designation
1Mr K P Suresh Babu Nodal officer
2Ms Jijitha John Asst Nodal Officer
3Mr Jijo CEO- Chief Executive Officer
4Ms Nandhini COO- Chief Operations Officer
5Ms Bismina CTO- Chief Technical Officer
6Ms Soorya U R CCO- Chief Creative Officer
7Mr Shybin Ponnachan CMO- Chief Marketing Officer
8Mr Sanju SunilKumar CSO- Chief Social Officer
9Mr Abhijith S CFO- Chief Finance Officer
10Ms Stegitha S K Executive Creative Curators (2 student members)